Bahan :
500 gram ubi merah dikukus
200 gram tepung sagu
1 sendok teh garam

Bahan saus:
300 gram gula merah
4 lembar daun pandan
2 ltr air
1 sdt garam
40 gram tepung sagu dan 200 ml air, dilarutkan

Saus santan:
500 ml santan
1/2 sendok teh garam
2 lembar daun pandan

Cara Membuat :
  • Campurkan ubi yang sudah dihaluskan dengan tepung sagu kemudian bentuk bola bola kecil. Sisihkan.
  • Untuk membuat saus: rebus air dan gula merah sampai larut kemudian disaring. Masukkan daun pandan dan garam. Masak hingga mendidih.
  • Masukkan bola-bola ubi. Masak sampai bola-bola ubi terapung. Kentalkan dengan tepung sagu. Masak sampai mendidih dan kental.
  • Untuk saus santan : rebus santan, daun pandan dan garam sambil diaduk hingga mendidih.
  • Sajikan biji salak bersama saus santan. sajikan hangat

Untuk 14 porsi


500 gr of steamed sweet potatoes
200 gr of sago flour
1 tsp salt

Sauce :
300 gr of brown sugar shaved
40 gr  of sago flour dissolved with 200 ml water
4 pcs  of pandan leaves
2 ltr  water
1 tsp  salt

Coconut milk sauce:
500 ml coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 pieces of pandan leaves

How to cook :
  • Combine the sweet potatoes that have been mashed with sago flour then shape small balls. Set aside.
  • To make the sauce: boil water and brown sugar until dissolved and then filtered. Insert pandan leaves and salt. Cook until boiling.
  • Insert sweet potatoes ball. Cook until the sweet potatoes balls floating. Thicken with sago flour. Cook until boiling and thickened.
  • For the coconut sauce: boil coconut milk, pandan leaves and salt, stirring until boiling.
  • Serve the sweet potatoes balls with coconut milk sauce. Serve warm.

Image from


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